You pay your property insurance premiums expecting that your insurer will pay for damages caused to the covered property. That promise means paying promptly and in full. But what happens when you make a claim? That’s when the nightmare starts. The adjuster does not return your calls, the insurance company is delaying your claim in hopes that you will forget about it, they are paying only a fraction of your claim, or worse, denying your claim that should have been covered. Insurance companies are for-profit enterprises. Their objective is to pay as little as possible to claimants. They make money by collecting premiums, not by paying out on policies.
At Megerdomian Law, we handle almost every kind of property claim and we service clients throughout southern California. We fight on your behalf to get the payments you deserve to pay for cleanup, restoration, hotel expenses, and more. Do not negotiate with the insurance companies on your own. Let us fight for you so you can receive the compensation to place your property back to the condition it was in prior to the nightmare.
- We’ve helped homeowners recover thousands of dollars in property restoration settlements
- We don’t get paid until your case is settled
- Skilled and experienced negotiators on your side
- Free onsite inspection of your home
- Free consultations and no up-front costs